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상단으로 이동

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조회 수 7462 추천 수 0 2011.09.21 15:47:15
mahru *.53.93.165

▪ RACON (radar beacon) 레이콘

▪ rader(radio detection and ranging) 레이더

▪ radio aids 전파표지(電波標識)

▪ radio beacon 라디오 비콘, 비콘, 전파표지(電波標識), 무선표지(無線標識)

▪ radio current meter 무선유속계(無線流速計)

▪ radio navigation 전파항법(電波航法)

▪ radio signal 무선표지(無線標識)

▪ rail mounted gantry crane(RMGC) 레일형 트란스퍼 크레인

▪ rail port 철도항(鐵道港)

▪ raised beach 융기해안(隆起海岸)

▪ rammer 래머

▪ ramming 다짐

▪ random vibration 불규칙진동(不規則振動)

▪ random wave 불규칙파(不規則波)

▪ range 광달거리(光達距離), 도표(導標)

▪ range light 도탑(導塔)

▪ range lights(美) 도등(導燈)

▪ range mark(美) 도표(導標)

▪ range of tide 조차(潮差), 간만차

▪ rate of overtopping 기대월파량(期待越波量), 월파량(越波量)

▪ rate of salvage 잔존율(殘存率)

▪ rate of sediment transport 유사량(流砂量)

▪ ratio of fine aggregate 절대잔골재율(絶對細骨材率)

▪ Rayleigh disk type wave direction meter 레일리반식파향계(-盤式波向計)

▪ reach stacker(R/S) 리치 스태커

▪ ready mixed concrete 레미콘, 레디믹스트콘크리트

▪ reater ebb 대썰물조류, 대낙조류

▪ reclaimed land 간척지(干拓地)

▪ reclaimer 리크레이머

▪ reclaimer ship 리크레이머선(-船)

▪ reclamation 간척(干拓), 매립(埋立)

▪ reclamation by drainage 간척(干拓)

▪ reclamation in water area 간척(干拓)

▪ reconstruction 개축(改築), 재시공(再施工)

▪ recorder 계기(計器)

▪ recording current meter 자기유속계(自記流速計)

▪ red tide 적조(赤潮)

▪ red water 적조(赤潮)

▪ reduced wind speed 환산풍속(換算風速)

▪ reduction to mean sea level 해면보정(海面補正)

▪ reef 암초(暗礁), 초(礁)

▪ reefer carrier 냉동선(冷凍船)

▪ reefer container 냉동컨테이너(冷凍-)

▪ reference point 기준점(基準點)

▪ reference station(美) 표준항(標準港)

▪ reflected wave 반사파(反射波)

▪ reflection 반사(反射)(파의반사)

▪ reflection factor 반사율(反射率)

▪ reflection wave 반사파(反射波)

▪ refracted wave 굴절파(屈折波)

▪ refraction 굴절(屈折)(wave)

▪ refraction coefficient 굴절계수(屈折係數)

▪ refraction diagram 굴절도(屈折圖)

▪ refraction of water waves 파굴절(波屈折)

▪ refraction theory 굴절이론(屈折理論)

▪ refrigerated carrier 냉동선(冷凍船)

▪ refuge harbor 피난항(避難港)

▪ registered breadth 선폭(船幅)

▪ registered length 배의 길이

▪ registered surveyor 측량사(測量士)

▪ regression 해안후퇴(海岸後退), 해안선후퇴, 해퇴(海退)

▪ regular line 정기항로(定期航路)

▪ regular wave 규칙파(規則波)

▪ reinforced concrete 철근콘크리트(鐵筋-)

▪ reinforced concrete pavement 철근콘크리트포장(鐵筋-鋪裝)

▪ reinforced concrete pile 철근콘크리트말뚝(鐵筋-)

▪ reinforcement of weld 여성(余盛)

▪ relative (water) depth 수심파장비(水深波長比)

▪ relay pump 중계펌프(中繼-)

▪ relieving platform 선반식 안벽(棚式岸壁)

▪ relieving platform type wharf 횡잔교(橫棧橋)

▪ remicon (ready-mixed concrete) 레미콘, 레디 믹스트 콘크리트

▪ remixing 거듭비비기

▪ removal of surplus soil 잔토처리(殘土處理)

▪ repair in the offing 충수리(沖修理)

▪ repeated load 반복하중(反復荷重)

▪ repeated stress 반복응력(反復應力)

▪ replacement method 치환공법(置換工法)

▪ request note 화물양하특별허가서(貨物揚荷特別許可書)

▪ required length of life 내용년수(耐用年數)

▪ research and development(R&D) 아르-앤드-디

▪ residual current 잔차류(殘差流)

▪ residual hydraulic pressure 잔류수압(殘留水壓)

▪ residual settlement 잔류침하(殘留沈下)

▪ residual soil 잔적토(殘積土)

▪ residual stress 잔류응력(殘留應力)

▪ residual water level 잔류수위(殘留水位)

▪ residual water pressure 잔류수압(殘留水壓)

▪ resistance-wire wave gauge 저항선식 파고계(抵抗線式波高計)

▪ resisting moment 저항모멘트(抵抗-)

▪ resonance 공진(共振)

▪ restricted competitive bid 제한경쟁입찰(制限競爭入札)

▪ resurfacing 덧씌우기, 오버레이

▪ retaining wall 옹벽(擁壁)

▪ reverse circulation drill 리버스서큘레이션드릴

▪ reverse circulation method 리버스서큘레이션공법(-工法)

▪ reversing current 왕복성조류(往復性潮流), 역전조류, 반전조류

▪ revetment 호안(護岸), 피복, 옹벽(擁壁)

▪ revetments and other protective facilities 외곽시설(外廓施設)

▪ ria type coast 리아스식 해안(-式海岸)

▪ ring joint 링조인트

▪ rip current 이안류(離岸流)

▪ rip head 이안류두(離岸流頭)

▪ riprap 난적(亂積), 사석쌓기(捨石-)

▪ riprap foundation 사석기초(捨石基礎)

▪ riprap protection 피복석(被覆石)

▪ riprap work 사석공(捨石工)

▪ riprapping 난적(亂積), 사석쌓기(捨石-)

▪ riprup 사석(捨石)

▪ riptide 이안류(離岸流)

▪ rising tide 창조(漲潮), 밀물.

▪ river discharge 하천유량(河川流量)

▪ river gravel 강자갈(江-)

▪ river levee 하천제방(河川堤防)

▪ river mouth 하구(河口)

▪ river mouth bar 하구사주(河口砂州)

▪ river sand 강모래(江沙)

▪ river stage 하천수위(河川水位)

▪ road 도로(道路)

▪ road bed filled up ground 노체(路體)

▪ road marking 도로표시(道路標示)

▪ road roller 로드 롤러

▪ road sign 도로표지(道路標識)

▪ roadbed 노반(路盤)

▪ roadway width 도로폭

▪ rock anchor 록 앵커

▪ rock breaker 쇄암선(碎岩船)

▪ rock breaking dredger 쇄암선(碎岩船)

▪ rock driller 착암선(鑿岩船)

▪ rock fill levee 석적제(石積堤)

▪ rock which covers and uncovers 간출암(干出巖)

▪ rock-cutter 쇄암선(碎岩船)

▪ roll-on roll-off system 롤온 롤오프 시스템

▪ roll-on/roll-off ship(vessel) (RO/RO Ship) 로로선, 롤온 롤오프 선

▪ rolling 전압(轉壓)

▪ rolling gate 롤링 게이트

▪ rope 로프

▪ rotary current 회전성조류(回轉性潮流)

▪ rotary motion 회전(回轉)

▪ rotation 회전(回轉)

▪ rough cut stone 깬잡석

▪ rough estimation 개산적산(槪算積算)

▪ rough weather 황천(荒天)

▪ roughness coefficient 조도계수(粗度係數)

▪ rubber tire gantry crane (RTGC) 고무타이어형 트란스퍼 크레인

▪ rubble 사석(捨石)

▪ rubble aggregate 조석재(粗石材)

▪ rubble base 사석기초(捨石基礎)

▪ rubble deposition 사석투입(捨石投入)

▪ rubble discharging 사석투입(捨石投入)

▪ rubble drain 맹거(盲渠)

▪ rubble mound 사석(捨石)

▪ rubble mound breakwater 사석방파제(捨石防波堤), 사석식경사방파제

▪ rubble stone 사석(捨石), 잡석(雜石)

▪ rubble-mound foundation 사석기초(捨石基礎)

▪ running repair 충수리(沖修理)

▪ runup of wave 파의 처오름(波-)

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